Geez ! Thiz iz some Metal! dedicated to: The Dark Gods $aTaN and Takhisis and to all chaotic Powers. Greets go to : Slaneesh,Tzeentch,Nurgle!, The Chaos Dwarfs,Khorne, The Dark Elves,and ofcourse to the Skaven and Orks ! Remember: The G00D will always fail,feel the Power of the... ... D A R K S I D E ! ! PS: $aTaN Time: 7:17 |I| /RID\ -RRIDE- \ERRIDER/ |BERRIDER_| /ABERRIDER_O\ -SABERRIDER_OF- \SABERRIDER_OF N/ |SABERRIDER_OF NT| /SABERRIDER_OF NTR\ PS: Samples are ASFIK PD. Song is originally designed for a racing game, if you want use it for such a game then feel free to use it... BUT CREDIT ME ! .